Thursday, January 22, 2009

Social Studies

U.S celebrate as President Obama vows new era

Who:Barak Hussein Obama

What:On January 20th,2009,An african american man was elected for president and is going to turn the U.S. around.Obama went in front of a crowd of his people that was forming from four in the morning and the people that were there waved their flags and sang and was also full of happiness because they believe Barak is going to make history and help our nation.Aretha Franklin seemed to move people by singing "My country Tis of Thee" and that was before Joe Biden even flew in as V.P.Obama was wearing a navy suit and a red tie and he was looking very sharp in it, he had to repeat the oath of office and the bible he had to put his hand on was the same one that President Abraham Lincoln used in his inauguration.A quote that i like was "Greatness is never a given.It must be earned."

Where: Washingto.D.C. at the national Mall

When:January 20th,2009

Why:He wants to make a change in the U.S. because it's falling apart and we need new things to happen for us.He wants to make this better for the children and adults and he believes he can do just that.

Opinion:My opinion is that he really is goingto make a change and make us feel safe and important in the world.Me as a student needs a safe and healthy environment to grow up in and a good eduction and i believe he is going to do just that for everyone in the U.S.

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dayton/quincy circle, new jersey, United States
I luv 2 b spoiled by my grandma and be loved by my family and friends 24/7 also to learn from my wonderful teachers