Monday, May 4, 2009

Tay-Sachs disease..I am not finished!!!

My assigned genetic disorder that I had to research was the Tay-Sachs disease and what I found out was that it was discovered in the mid 1880’s.The symptoms and possible complications of being a patient with the Tay-Sachs disease is a baby born with the Tay-Sachs disease develops normally in the first three-six months.The baby will progressively lose the ability to see,hear, and move.A red spot will develop in the back of the child’s eyes.The child will stop smiling, crawling,turning over,and reaching out for things.Presently,there is no treatment and the Tay-Sachs disease of the genetic origin.All who have Tay-Sachs get it from two parents who carry a recessive gene for the disease.These parents do not have Tay-Sachs because the disease in both its common forms, infantile and juvenile Tay-Sachs result in mortality before children reach adulthood.Tay-Sachs disease is very rare in the general population.The genetic mutations that cause this disease are more common in people of eastern and central European Jewish heritage than in those with other bachgrounds.Tay-Sachs is caused by a mutation in the HEX A gene on chromosome 15,HeXA normally codes for the alpha sub unit of the hexosaminidase.A protein,which is necessary for breaking down GM2 gangliosides in nerve cells.Anticonvulusant medicine may intially

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dayton/quincy circle, new jersey, United States
I luv 2 b spoiled by my grandma and be loved by my family and friends 24/7 also to learn from my wonderful teachers