Friday, June 5, 2009

Plasticity Conclusion

In science class, we did a lab about "Plasticity" and what we did mix cornstarch and water together.When I mixed the cornstarch and water together in a bowl and had to mix it together until i became hard.When I picked it up the heat from my hand made it become hard and when I released the tightness of my hand it became more like a liquid.While it was in he bowl I poked at it and it had turned more of a solid around my finger and when I would take my finger away it turned back to a liquid, which was kind of WEIRD!.By doing this experiment, I get a better outlook on how the earth's mantle works.Inside the mantle, molten magma is being churned, which makes the litospheric plates moves and they cause earthquakes.The earth would probably not be what it is today without plasticity.

Response Blog!

In class, we had to read about someone else's genetic disease and pick one that we want to write a response to.The blog I chose to write about was the Canavan Disease, by Jazzdncr.From this blog, I learned that this disease was discovered in 1931 and it's so rare that there has only been 30 reported cases in the U.S.Infants that are affected with this disease are most likely born with it. A child who has the Canavan Disease can experience many kinds of symptoms for example,lack of head control,rapidly increasing head circumference,reduced visual responsiveness,abnormal muscle tone such as stiffness or floppiness, ad may suffer from mental retardation.There is no cure for the Canavan disease and the life span of infected infants with this disease, do not generally live long.The information I have learned from reaing about this disease will make me think twice about saying things I shouldn't,make fun of people with this disease or any other disease because I don't know what they might be going through.I am happy that I am not one out of 30 infant cases in the U.S. with this disease.I feel bad for all the infants that are going through the horror of having this disease.For more information about this disease click herehttp://

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

October Sky

The movie October Sky took place on October 5th,1957 and the connections that it had with science and math was a boy named Homer Hakim and a few of his friends wanted to build rockets and launch them, but Homer's dad wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and work in coal mines just like him.He didn't like that his son was interested in building rockets instead of learning how to coal mine.After all of the work that Homer and his friends went throughto build the rockets, his teacher Ms. Riley told him about a science fair coming up and thought he should enter his rocket in it.After all the rockets him and his friends had built they would always learn from what went wrong and improve the mistakes.As the science fair came closer Homer and friends never lost hope in their rockets and were very into the thought of winnining.Some character traits were shown,Homer's dad never showed support and respect for Homer and the fact that he wanted to build rockets and not become a coal miner.Homer also showed self-control when his dad told him that he doesn't like his idea of building rockets.He didn't really create a problem over it, instead he found a way to solve the issue tha his dad was having.The movie was o.k. but could've been better and I feel that at the end I did learn something and it was that I should always do whatever I believe in and not what anybody tells m I haveto do.!

About Me

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dayton/quincy circle, new jersey, United States
I luv 2 b spoiled by my grandma and be loved by my family and friends 24/7 also to learn from my wonderful teachers