Friday, June 5, 2009

Response Blog!

In class, we had to read about someone else's genetic disease and pick one that we want to write a response to.The blog I chose to write about was the Canavan Disease, by Jazzdncr.From this blog, I learned that this disease was discovered in 1931 and it's so rare that there has only been 30 reported cases in the U.S.Infants that are affected with this disease are most likely born with it. A child who has the Canavan Disease can experience many kinds of symptoms for example,lack of head control,rapidly increasing head circumference,reduced visual responsiveness,abnormal muscle tone such as stiffness or floppiness, ad may suffer from mental retardation.There is no cure for the Canavan disease and the life span of infected infants with this disease, do not generally live long.The information I have learned from reaing about this disease will make me think twice about saying things I shouldn't,make fun of people with this disease or any other disease because I don't know what they might be going through.I am happy that I am not one out of 30 infant cases in the U.S. with this disease.I feel bad for all the infants that are going through the horror of having this disease.For more information about this disease click herehttp://

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dayton/quincy circle, new jersey, United States
I luv 2 b spoiled by my grandma and be loved by my family and friends 24/7 also to learn from my wonderful teachers