Friday, June 5, 2009

Plasticity Conclusion

In science class, we did a lab about "Plasticity" and what we did mix cornstarch and water together.When I mixed the cornstarch and water together in a bowl and had to mix it together until i became hard.When I picked it up the heat from my hand made it become hard and when I released the tightness of my hand it became more like a liquid.While it was in he bowl I poked at it and it had turned more of a solid around my finger and when I would take my finger away it turned back to a liquid, which was kind of WEIRD!.By doing this experiment, I get a better outlook on how the earth's mantle works.Inside the mantle, molten magma is being churned, which makes the litospheric plates moves and they cause earthquakes.The earth would probably not be what it is today without plasticity.

Response Blog!

In class, we had to read about someone else's genetic disease and pick one that we want to write a response to.The blog I chose to write about was the Canavan Disease, by Jazzdncr.From this blog, I learned that this disease was discovered in 1931 and it's so rare that there has only been 30 reported cases in the U.S.Infants that are affected with this disease are most likely born with it. A child who has the Canavan Disease can experience many kinds of symptoms for example,lack of head control,rapidly increasing head circumference,reduced visual responsiveness,abnormal muscle tone such as stiffness or floppiness, ad may suffer from mental retardation.There is no cure for the Canavan disease and the life span of infected infants with this disease, do not generally live long.The information I have learned from reaing about this disease will make me think twice about saying things I shouldn't,make fun of people with this disease or any other disease because I don't know what they might be going through.I am happy that I am not one out of 30 infant cases in the U.S. with this disease.I feel bad for all the infants that are going through the horror of having this disease.For more information about this disease click herehttp://

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

October Sky

The movie October Sky took place on October 5th,1957 and the connections that it had with science and math was a boy named Homer Hakim and a few of his friends wanted to build rockets and launch them, but Homer's dad wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and work in coal mines just like him.He didn't like that his son was interested in building rockets instead of learning how to coal mine.After all of the work that Homer and his friends went throughto build the rockets, his teacher Ms. Riley told him about a science fair coming up and thought he should enter his rocket in it.After all the rockets him and his friends had built they would always learn from what went wrong and improve the mistakes.As the science fair came closer Homer and friends never lost hope in their rockets and were very into the thought of winnining.Some character traits were shown,Homer's dad never showed support and respect for Homer and the fact that he wanted to build rockets and not become a coal miner.Homer also showed self-control when his dad told him that he doesn't like his idea of building rockets.He didn't really create a problem over it, instead he found a way to solve the issue tha his dad was having.The movie was o.k. but could've been better and I feel that at the end I did learn something and it was that I should always do whatever I believe in and not what anybody tells m I haveto do.!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tay-Sachs disease..I am not finished!!!

My assigned genetic disorder that I had to research was the Tay-Sachs disease and what I found out was that it was discovered in the mid 1880’s.The symptoms and possible complications of being a patient with the Tay-Sachs disease is a baby born with the Tay-Sachs disease develops normally in the first three-six months.The baby will progressively lose the ability to see,hear, and move.A red spot will develop in the back of the child’s eyes.The child will stop smiling, crawling,turning over,and reaching out for things.Presently,there is no treatment and the Tay-Sachs disease of the genetic origin.All who have Tay-Sachs get it from two parents who carry a recessive gene for the disease.These parents do not have Tay-Sachs because the disease in both its common forms, infantile and juvenile Tay-Sachs result in mortality before children reach adulthood.Tay-Sachs disease is very rare in the general population.The genetic mutations that cause this disease are more common in people of eastern and central European Jewish heritage than in those with other bachgrounds.Tay-Sachs is caused by a mutation in the HEX A gene on chromosome 15,HeXA normally codes for the alpha sub unit of the hexosaminidase.A protein,which is necessary for breaking down GM2 gangliosides in nerve cells.Anticonvulusant medicine may intially

Friday, February 20, 2009

My roller coaster

In science I didn't help my group build the roller coaster because I am not creative at all and I like doing things by myself at all times. But anyway, the roller coaster was not what I expected  because they didn't have  no creativity and I hate building,I am a writer not an artist.It was  fun to see people build and me not helping and the other reason I didn't help is I get frustrated over things like that and angry because of pressure and the thinking you have to do.The fun part was when we made the website because I love computers and that's the only thing creative about me.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Internattional News!! Social Studies

Egypt releases jailed opposition leader



Who: Ayman Nour

What:Ayman Nour was put in jail more tha three years ago.Awhile after the election he was sentenced for five years because of forgery conviction.He suffers from type 1 diabetes and the reason he was released was because of his health issues but he wasn't the only person with diabetes, the other was President Hosni Mubabarak.

Where: Cairo,Egypt

When:three years ago

Why:Forgery conviction

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy news!!

Fiancee kidney donor:Of course we were a match

Who:Lizzy Kelly and Matt House

What:Matt House needed a kidney after he was dignosed with congestive heart failure.His fiancee,lizzy signed up to donate her kidney for him.Before she decided to do it and she didnt think she could be a match but she actually was a match.Lizzy is 29 and Matt is 31 and his sister was going to donate first but for health reasons it didnt work and it's better to have a familmember to donate than anyone else.Since it didn't work out with his sister his stepdad stepped in since they were the same blood type. That didn't work either,and since he had other health issues she decided it was better if she did it other than anyone else.


When:It doesn't tell

Why:Matt House had congestive heart failure

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Social Studies!!

Outrage follows revelation of rape by coach at school
By:David Giambusso

Who:Glenn Harp volunteered as a basketball coach two years ago in an after school program.

What:He was charged with sexual assault and endangered the health of a little kid,he was charged with three years of prbation when at that time could've bee extended.Last week, Glenn Harp who is thirty- eight gave up and pleaded guilty to the rape of the 7-year-old girl he looked after in the program at Grove Street Elementary School. This all occurred between September and December of 2007, Glenn Harp continuously raped the little girl at the school and brung her to his apartment also. She eventually told her grandmotherwhat has been happening to her and her grandma finally made the decision to call the police. Glenn Harp served 15 years in prison in March and he was allowed to take the child out of the school. People who worked in the program said he would have been alone with children for several hours a day. Community leaders and one school board member said they are extremely surprised by the rape and at the way people reacted to it. Parents at the school weren't aware that it happened because they weren't told.


Why:It doesn't tell

Interesting news!!! :) :(

Habitat for Humanity founder dies

Who:Millard Fuller

What:He founded the organization Habitat for Humanity in 1976 and he died on Tuesday, he was only seventy-four years old.He was a husband to Linda Fuller and she helped start the organization with him.He was an Alabama native that while in college he wrote a biography on Habitat for Humanity,him and a college friend began a marketing business while at the same time they were still in school.
Where: It happened in Americus, Georgia while on his way to the hospital.

When:Tuesday, February 3rd,2009

Why: He suffered from a chest congestion for a couple of weeks before going to the  hospital this morning.He was getting older but somewhat healthy which was something

Friday, January 23, 2009

Class response:)

In class I am learning about  the Electromagnetic Spectrum and it is very interesting.I did a project on gamma Rays and what I have learned from it is that gamma rays can kill cancer and they have the shortest wavelengths  and the most energy rather than  the rest of the spectrums.They have a gamma ray telescope that was created in 1961 and it has picked up more than 100 gamma photons.I like learning about new things especially when it is hands on like our other projects and to me, I am glad I have Ms.Rousseau as a teacher and I want to learn about more subjects.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Social Studies

U.S celebrate as President Obama vows new era

Who:Barak Hussein Obama

What:On January 20th,2009,An african american man was elected for president and is going to turn the U.S. around.Obama went in front of a crowd of his people that was forming from four in the morning and the people that were there waved their flags and sang and was also full of happiness because they believe Barak is going to make history and help our nation.Aretha Franklin seemed to move people by singing "My country Tis of Thee" and that was before Joe Biden even flew in as V.P.Obama was wearing a navy suit and a red tie and he was looking very sharp in it, he had to repeat the oath of office and the bible he had to put his hand on was the same one that President Abraham Lincoln used in his inauguration.A quote that i like was "Greatness is never a given.It must be earned."

Where: Washingto.D.C. at the national Mall

When:January 20th,2009

Why:He wants to make a change in the U.S. because it's falling apart and we need new things to happen for us.He wants to make this better for the children and adults and he believes he can do just that.

Opinion:My opinion is that he really is goingto make a change and make us feel safe and important in the world.Me as a student needs a safe and healthy environment to grow up in and a good eduction and i believe he is going to do just that for everyone in the U.S.

About Me

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dayton/quincy circle, new jersey, United States
I luv 2 b spoiled by my grandma and be loved by my family and friends 24/7 also to learn from my wonderful teachers